Well, That Wasn't So Bad (Or, I Did Better Than I Thought)
So I decided to toss some more stuff and stick some other stuff onto some shelves. It still isn't perfect but it's respectable for someone who's moving. It's fairly obvious I'm cleaning things up. Mom likes the place well enough; it puts her mind at ease to have seen the place (finally) and know that it's not bad, or in a bad area. I still have a bunch of stuff to toss, and will probably dump some old clothes/shoes, too. I also started taking pictures of things I will try to get rid of before going north. I'm going to try to sell/give away what I can so that I can minimize the amount of things going with me. So anyway, Mom was cool with it all, despite the obvious clutter on my desk and on the tables. We then went out to eat and I paid for the most expensive meal I've ever taken in. It was me, my mom, and my aunt instead of my sister, and I splurged a little. Went to Legal Sea Foods in Chinatown and enjoyed some decent seafood. But whatever.... it was good to have them here and they came a long way to see me. And they have a long way to go back, a good 2 hours' ride. It was a nice way to spend the day, even with the frantic cleaning. :)
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