Siryn's Song

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Plots Thickening Some More

The new guy is resigning. And it hasn't even been a month! That's rich. He has written his resignation memo, and it's outstanding. He calls it his "manifesto." Haha. His resignation is not spurred by anything I have said or did, but because our dirty clown of a boss has exposed the man to malpractice liability within the past two weeks. Twice he hung him out to dry with little/no preparation, in contravention to the promises he made in the initial interview. That, and he thinks our billing practices are unethical. Didn't even make it 30 days... I also learned that in the interview, dirty clown blamed ME for the departure of other attorneys. Huh?? Aside from the huge WTF that engenders, why did he tell him that shit in an INTERVIEW? The man hadn't even met me. I bet I do know what it is, though. I think he blames me for the loss of the other attorney that left here in May, after the big showdown. Truth is, she just had a little less patience than me, because she IS a barred attorney and cares about her license. And she told him about himself, a little bit. He lied to the new guy and said that that attorney was a problem and that he was glad when she left. Bullshit. He also named me (!) as a problem, as an instigator. He talked shit behind my back about me, saying that my clients don't want to work with me because I'm so "opinionated." Truth is, he is a fucking deadbeat like many of the clients we pick up, and that I live by a higher standard convicts his janky ass every time I have to tell him what is principled behavior. That, plus he treats women as sexual objects - meant to be fucked, not heard. As an aside, most of my clients love me - I, unlike the clown, return their calls and are attentive to their needs. Some of them trust me far more than they trust him, because he has lied to them or to the Court and jacked things up. Just last week another complaint came in, this time before DC's Bar Counsel. It's not my case, thank God. None of my cases will ever hit Bar Counsel because of anything I did. All of this is indicative of a lack of leadership and management ability. Why keep someone around if they are so insidious, and instigating others to leave? What does that say about you? It says you're a punk-assed pussy, that's what. Fire the people who don't add anything to the office. Problem is... he can't fire himself. D'oh!! I am working diligently to get myself the hell out. Sent out a couple more résumés today. I also kept up with another one of those contacts I made - he told me that if the caseload breaks his way, I am the first person he will call to help pick up the slack. He is an accomplished litigator, and mentorship under him would be so fantastic. That would truly be an offer I couldn't refuse. All of my cases are up to speed, most of my files are in order - the ones that aren't are the ones he's thrown at me in no conceivable order and I have not had the will nor the patience to clean up, especially on the clients' dime. I could leave tomorrow and my cases would be easy to pick up. I am ready to go. If I were locally barred, this would be a different story - I'd already be gone. Problem is, I had no real intention of staying here... and now I am not ready to leave. Makes my life a little more difficult... but there is a plan... and I'm working on fixing up my destiny. I do see a light at the end of this tunnel. It may be long, but this shit is certainly not forever.


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