An Administrative Note
In thinking about what I just wrote... I also have to note that I have much respect for professional administrative people. They are the backbone of any and every company. They may not have kooky visionary ideas that make tons of cash or vast analytical skills, but they put up with immense mounds of horseshit from the people with those kooky visionary ideas or with vast analytical skills. You must always show great respect to your secretaries, office managers, maintenance people, and the like. What they do is an invaluable service. It may not take a college degree, but it takes a lot of personal fortitude to manage people. It's an honest living, and every person is a valuable person with dignity. It's tempting to not think so when they are assholes to you, but we should always work to pay goodness forward. 'Nuff said.
This is the most pleasent posts I've read tonight and I've been browsing blogs for about hour.
preach the love!
Sungod, at 9/20/2004 11:18:00 PM
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