Siryn's Song

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Say Again?

A problem - Dad called today and said that my brother's surgery might get pushed to Thursday. What?? I already bought my plane ticket and am supposed to leave on Thursday! And to make matters worse, he tells me something that makes this move defy logic: the tumor is "changing" (whatever that means). Changing for the worse - my brother might not have the use of his arm after the surgery. That makes this more of an emergency. What???? I'm coming undone. Might not have the use of his arm?! Why are they postponing his surgery? Haven't you people fucked him up enough? I cannot help but cry when I think about this. Dad says that we'll know by tomorrow if the surgery moves. Supposedly these assholes are going to "try" to make it happen on Tuesday. I'm sick. Dad sounds relatively positive - but I figure that that is more for my benefit and my brother's benefit than anything else. I know that it must be eating him up inside. All we have is God. God is the God of miracles, and Lord, we really need one now. Please do not take away the use of any part of his body. Please... I know that if a woman can speak after 20 years of brain injury, you can do anything. I know that if you can raise the dead that you can do anything. I ask that you please preserve my brother's body, that he will be able to hold his child with his right arm, that he will be able to walk without supports - to run after his baby. Please, Lord. Please...


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