I had my first big crash today on my bike. Ouch! I went off the edge of the paved portion of the W&OD and when I tried to get back on, I couldn't stay stable because the wheel kept riding the edge and I bit it. Thank God I didn't hurt anything seriously, but my left hand took a few nicks, and my elbow and leg got some of that too. The hand hurts the most. I need to ice the elbow. It would have been worse if I wasn't wearing a jacket and gloves. The injuries to my hand went through the gloves, but without them? Both my hands would have been in worse shape. The right palm would have been ground up, and the top of the left hand would have been in worse condition than it is now. I also need to get a patch for my jacket and the left glove - and I so love the jacket. I was riding with a partner that I met off CL, an older lawyer who is an avid cyclist. Pray for him, because he has been diagnosed with a rare disorder akin to cancer that is incurable. With treatment, he can live for a good while. Fortunately, he has caught it early. It's just hard for him to deal with, and it's weighing on his mind. He hasn't even told his parents yet. I can't imagine the kind of hell that it puts him through. Just like my brother - we all know our days are numbered, but for some of us, we are practically assured that the days will be fewer than they ought. Pray for hope, healing, and peace of mind.
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