Siryn's Song

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Can men and women just be friends? I maintain that they can, under these circumstances:

  • One or both are happily married/in a relationship, and the spouse is a friend;
  • Neither of them are attracted to each other; or
  • One of them is dead.
Kidding! Sorta. I have a new acquaintance that is a nice guy. He's older, and fun to talk to, but I'm not all that attracted to him physically, and he's also not quite what I want spiritually. I don't see myself dating this guy. I'd like to keep talking to him, as I enjoy talking to him. He makes lots of flirty references, and sometimes it's a little annoying. I mean, NO, I'm not going to date you and I don't need to be reminded that you're very attracted to me and will be imagining more intimate encounters about me. He's not ugly, but it's a combination of things that tell me that it's not going anywhere. He hopes we can still be friends. I do, too. In other news, I went to a great Super Bowl party yesterday. Yay, Patriots! If it's not a New York team, then go Pats. My favorite commercial was the Diet Pepsi one with the hot guy walking down the street. Cindy Crawford just happens to be in it. hehe. But really, it was fun - my small group hosted a party at one of the gals' house near Tysons Corner. We had about 20 people show up! Some other small groups, friends, etc. It was neat. I made this fantastic fruit tray. Check it:
It's a beauty, isn't it? Apples, pears, pineapple, grapes, bananas, strawberries and blackberries. It was refreshing! For those of you that don't know, squirting lemon juice on cut apples and pears will keep them from turning brown - slows down oxidation, and the fruit stays fresher longer. Peace to you all. :)


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