Today was a little better. I went to Westchester County court this morning to observe a compliance conference. It's fairly structured up there, and I can appreciate it to a degree - there is a bit of an excessive anal nature about it, because if you want anything in writing, you will have to order a transcript. Doh! That sucks. Tomorrow I'm going back to the 3-ring circus that is Brooklyn to observe a preliminary conference. Should be interesting. I'm a little anxious to get started, because I'm sick of taking other people's work in pieces. I guess I want a bit of ownership, to have more control over my own schedule and to not have to depend on other people. A touch control freakish, eh? Yeah. I can handle the courts throwing deadlines at me, but I don't want shit from other people in the office. Really. I want ownership, I want control. It brings me peace of mind - or, at least, a measure of peace. And that peace is priceless. The real truth, though, is that I need to learn to let go. Life is not fair, and life is beyond my control. Why worry? God is in control - that's what I believe, so why do I worry? Easy answer: I am, after all, just human. But the whole thing about being a Christian is to subdue some of these human instincts and let go in order to let God handle things, to trust in his sovereignty and care. There are too many lessons to absorb at one time. Fortunately, God is patient.
Giving up control. That's the hardest thing for me. It's why I struggle with prayer...having to believe that my prayer will actually have an effect.
playfulinnc, at 10/21/2005 01:28:00 AM
Paulo loves you.
Ross, at 10/21/2005 12:19:00 PM
Ownership is fun until one is expected to work miracles.
Oh...and you're making me want to go to church on Sunday. S'ok...I probably need a little forgiveness right now.
sethro, at 10/21/2005 11:21:00 PM
Maybe the control thing is derivative of pride. How much pride do people take in being a self-made man/woman?
Yes, Seth, you're right - the miracle-working portion of the job sucks. But be reminded that church is not a forgiveness kiosk.
And thank you, Paulo. My blog is now complete.
Siryn, at 10/22/2005 10:57:00 AM
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