Siryn's Song

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Important Reading

I don't know how many of you actually peruse the blog links on the left side of my blog, but I can't urge you enough to read Michael Yon. He's been embedded with units in Iraq and documenting the experience. The mainstream media is one thing, and provides some info. Michael Yon provides another look at what life is like there in Iraq, with the troops and the Iraqi people that he encounters. The thing about our contrived war is that we will never know the full, 100% truth in this lifetime about how this farce came about. But despite the false pretenses, some good is coming out of Iraq - it is just hard to detect amid the foul stench that comes from this vaingloriously corrupt administration. Michael Yon took a picture of a building - an office for the Iraqi Communist Party. Now there is democracy at work - the opportunity to choose something different, no matter how distasteful others may find it. There are plenty of other interesting things to read. I like seeing the pictures of the children. Now that we've fucked that country up as much as we have, we can't leave the Iraqi people to twist in the wind. But the Iraqi people, to be sure, will not stay under the thumb of an occupier - once they are strong enough to handle their own problems, they will take back what is theirs. Let's just pray that the time will be short.


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