I'm just out of it. Day 3 of ADHD. What. The. F!? Today was a bit of hell because a very important deposition set for tomorrow got busted because the other counsel freaked out about the looming transit strike. That made my day very unhappy. Coordinating with these people is such a bitch. I'm losing my patience, but we are (unfortunately) representing the plaintiffs, and you do what you have to in order to get the case moving. No real opportunity to rest on our laurels. I temporarily lost my mind a while back and decided to make my profile visible. Yeah, I know. There, at least, I can take a look at the goods and people put some effort (sometimes) to express themselves in a meaningful way. At least it's not full of ads for oral sex. Anyway, I have gotten a few looks, and fewer e-mails. It's probably that whole thing about not being your usual blonde white girl. I got email from one guy that seems kind of interesting. He seems very grounded and down to earth. He's kinda cute, and has a nice smile. He has facial hair, though - usually a turn-off, but for him, it suits him. We actually talked for a long time on the phone. He talks quite a bit, but he's still pleasant to talk to. He's just passionate about things, and is quite expressive. He was very straightforward - no games. He seems aware of what he wants, and is very mature. He's very well educated and seems to be a good communicator. Honesty is a very big thing with him, and that's refreshing. I like that. It was very easy to talk to him, although I did do most of the listening. But he does believe in reciprocity, so we'll see. There is still lots of work to do to get to know him better. Maybe we'll meet soon. *shrug* I'm not getting any hopes up, but the prospect of making a new friend is nice. Nicer if it's more, of course. But hey, it's one baby step toward getting a life!
I am currently dating someone I met from a website. We met online in May (I was in DC, he in Chicago). I flew to Chicgo twice to meet him and figured, "well if nothing else, he will be a good friend when I move there." So far, it has turned out to be the healthiest relationship I have ever had. Take the chance, and keep me updated.
Dop T, at 12/16/2005 12:55:00 PM
I say it all the time.
But I'm trying to cut back.
Siryn, at 12/17/2005 12:54:00 AM
Hee... I guess you could be part of my focus group after all. When I'm ready, I'll post it on my blog.
BTW, what is your profile name, for the curious.
Dan, at 12/17/2005 01:23:00 PM
Oh, negative Ghost Rider - that little goody I will keep to myself.
Siryn, at 12/18/2005 01:09:00 AM
Ugh I'm still distressed with
And all the others.
But good luck you are wonderful! :)
Asian Mistress, at 12/18/2005 01:45:00 PM
Just wanted to say that.
Match isn't so bad. We'll see how lucky my current obsession goes tho ;)
Ooo, a shiny thing.....
Hmm...looks like my ADHD has kicked in too. I'm getting my empathize on for ya!
sethro, at 12/19/2005 02:36:00 PM
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