Truth in Advertising
I decided the other day to indulge Dan and chat a little bit over IM. I do have a thing about my blogging anonymity that is a little odd and doesn't always make sense, even to me. You see, I'm conscious of the fact that I have written a lot of shit about my old boss, who I not-so-lovingly refer to as the 'dirty clown.' So, while very few in the blogging community know who I am, most of those that do probably couldn't connect all the dots. I prefer it this way. So anyway, Dan and I were talking. I told him a little about myself and we also talked about his new website. Basically, he's providing a service for people looking for a way to vet their online dates. Too many freaks, I suppose. Dan had asked me how tall I was. I told him, and he asked me why I rounded down. I explained that it was because I'm painfully honest most times. I could easily say 5'7" but that's not quite true. I round down and explain if need be. Err on the side of caution. It does make me wonder if people are straight out lying when putting together online ads, or if they just see themselves a certain way that is different from others? I mean, who really is going to admit to not being attractive? A lot of people on CL like to post and say that they're attractive ... okay, but to whom? I am, admittedly, very picky. I don't require model looks, but I'm not stimulated by people who are a little too ordinary. "You won't be disappointed" - chances are, buddy, I will. I just can't help it. But let's say that you have shown your face and posted a picture. What is there to hide? A lot. Marital status, for one. I never realized how many people were into finding extramarital affairs. Income, if that matters. I wonder how many of those wannabe sugar daddies in New York CL really don't have 2 pennies to rub together but want to rub up against women? Education, religion... little (or big) things that count in some way shape or form. Why are we so desperate for company that we have to lie? I know it's better to have loved and lost than never at all, but why induce someone to be disgusted by you once they learn the truth? Is this really human nature? Why do some people never learn that you have to be honest or else you will never keep the person you wish to hold on to? I don't know about you all, but I don't have time to be someone else. Takes too much energy.
Anais Nin said that we don't see people as they are, but rather as we are. Perhaps in a twist on that thinking, they don't see themselves as they really are, but as they would like themselves to be. Sort of an idealized version of themselves.
Just like disneyworld's castle is an idealized version of the middle ages (which in reality was full of malnourished, unwashed, plague-ridden illiterates living off of oppressed peasants).
HomeImprovementNinja, at 1/09/2006 11:42:00 AM
Yipee! Fame, here i come!
This is so surreal... having a meta conversation about a conversation.
For the record, I took all day yesterday to add a blog to the website to post dating horror stories, as per Siryn's suggestion. Only today, I discover the IE is rendering something wrong and have to debug that (pissy stupid IE).
So, see, I was listening to you, paying attention, open mind, and all that.
Anyway, I can't tell from this post whether Siryn enjoyed the chat or not. To term it an indulgence for me implies that it was too much work for her so as to never be repeated again.
Or maybe I'm just being overly sensitive...
Dan, at 1/09/2006 12:12:00 PM
Oh, I forgot to say, thanks! (for the plug)...
Dan, at 1/09/2006 12:13:00 PM
How is Dan's site different from
I think people see themselves differently than they are. Men go for taller and more attractive in their own descriptions, and women who have 5 lbs. to lose will really say "a few pounds to lose." We are conditioned to being so super honest - another thing that divides the sexes I think. Men learn the art of self-promo. Women don't. We're taught that it's rude or not ladylike to promote ourselves.
Fuck it. I'll promote away!
Melissa, at 1/09/2006 05:00:00 PM
Like I said, they see themselves as they would like to be. I read somewhere that, when polled, 85% of people rank themselves as excellent drivers. (apparently none of them live in DC).
HomeImprovementNinja, at 1/09/2006 09:19:00 PM
Velvet (and all):
Rather than repeat what I have said elsewhere about the comparison, I simply quoteth myself.
Dan, at 1/10/2006 11:56:00 AM
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