I learned of a place that makes killer mojitos. A club called Tao in midtown, not far from where I work. Pricey as hell - so not worth the cost. But damn, those things were good... and a slice of sugar cane too, for stirring (and munching). Yum. I felt like such an alien at first, when I moved here. I couldn't get a Yuengling at the bar in our building, and I couldn't get a mojito either. Buying drinks was so frustrating. I felt like I was coming from another planet instead of DC. I feel a little bit more at home.
There's a place just south of Union Square on University (I think - whichever street it is that crosses 14th at the Walgreens) called PopPop that makes excellent mojitos too. I had some there about three weeks ago and they were just as good as the ones I get here at home in Texas. They weren't too expensive either.
By AlieMalie, at 4/01/2006 12:45:00 AM
I thought mojitos were so 2000?
I know of one place, but its in SF. It's in the Haight. I'd have to go there to find it again. They crush the mint in mortar in pestle. Other places, I gather, take short cuts.
By Dan, at 4/01/2006 11:40:00 AM
oo, thanks for the tip, AM! May have to try it... :)
Dan, I don't care about trends. I like what I like if it's good. That is the difference between style and fashion. :)
By Siryn, at 4/01/2006 04:56:00 PM
Yeah, well, what the hell do I know about either?
By Dan, at 4/08/2006 07:47:00 PM
My beloved little brother has lived in small towns his whole life, either in upstate NY or Bloomington, IN. He cracked me up unintentionally last year when he was so excited to tell me that a bar in Bloomington and just started serving this "really cool, really exotic" drink, called a "Mo-HEE-to." He sounded so proud of himself, as if he'd made a real discovery, and then asked if I'd ever had one. Um, yeah. We gots lots o' those Mo-HEE-tos here on the East Coast, baby bro! I still make fun of him for it! :-)
By Stef, at 4/13/2006 09:18:00 PM
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