I have started dabbling in downloads for Nanita. I love the freedom of buying only one song at a time. As much as I find Britney Spears distasteful, I like Toxic because it's good to dance to. I lay the credit at the feet of Cathy Dennis (formerly of D-Mob... hm, am I dating myself here?) rather than Britney, because the track is hot. A little dance music, a little rock, a little hip hop... good stuff. It's time for the music industry to embrace this method and quit touting the fear tactics about CD sales. No way are CDs worth more than $10 unless they are a double disc or box set. I could go on some long diatribe about the RIAA and all, but I'll save that for another day.
Thinking of the RIAA and what they've done has really knotted my stomach.
Posit: iTunes has become an absolute dominator in terms of online sales.
It was clear from the start that if the RIAA wanted to curtail illegal file-swapping, all they had to do was make music available in the most commercially advantageous format - - i.e. digital. But they didn't. Instead, they started indiscriminately suing their customers - - and in the process, sued corpses, children, single-mothers, and grandparents.
If they would simply stop for a second and take another look at the market, they would realize they can start selling songs at $.25 a pop - - outside of iTunes - - and not have any of the Compact Disc expenses (creating the physical media, transporting it, loading their cost with the overhead from sales staff at stores, etc) and they would be raking in the dough by not paying Steve Jobs and AppleCorp (just because it's fun to say [Apple Core].)
*sigh* Until the market passes on the immense cost savings they realize by promulgating digital media, however, I will continue to pirate music. The iTunes set-up reeks of the collusion that the big boys had already been nailed to the wall for.
Err . . . sorry about the diatribe.
[AUA steps down off soapbox.]
By A Unique Alias, at 3/30/2006 10:50:00 AM
AUA is baaaack and in usual form today!
Cathy Dennis - Is this for real or is it Just Another Dream?
By Melissa, at 3/30/2006 11:37:00 AM
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I like Toxic and that song 'Since you've been gone' by Kelly Clarkson. This, my friends, is a sign of the Apocalypse. The frogs are coming.
By Anonymous, at 3/30/2006 12:02:00 PM
I spend on an average $50 to $100 per month on .99 downloads.
And I download stuff that I would never, NEVER, nevahnevahnevah buy the album for.
In fact, I kinda like that Kelly Clarkson song, too.
I hate myself.
By Jinxy, at 3/30/2006 12:56:00 PM
Ah, AUA. I agree and I disagree on some points.
You see, while suing random people is an odd strategy at first blush, I think it's fair because a thief is a thief. Why should I, a legit purchaser, be punished for ripping CDs I own (for my own personal use) by having them use hamfisted tactics like deploying software that prevents me from doing such ripping? Punish the individual, not all of us, I say.
So yes, suing a 12 year old kid who is running away with hundreds of dollars of audio candy is okay with me. Looks dumb, yes, but it is correct in principle.
Reducing the costs, however, also requires people to buy the hardware to support the digital media. I held out for years before buying an iPod. There are still many more holdouts. So there will be a need for the physical CDs, for a long time until such hardware is truly ubiquitous and not just a yuppie accessory.
I agree that they are too short-sighted to see that they could make a killing outside of iTunes, but everything takes some time. As for the iTunes setup... it could end up a collusive effort but you have to admit, 99ยข for one song isn't bad. It's fair if you want to support the artist in some way without buying the filler.
Kelly: I bought that CD. I like it, for the most part. Go Kelly! And I don't even watch American Idol. Ugh.
By Siryn, at 3/31/2006 12:09:00 AM
EF and I have something in common...there's nothing like sweating it out on the treadmill to a little KC. Oh, and I am known to listen to the new Madonna with abandon.
I do wish there were another option to iTunes other than the illegal one. Sometimes, i just want to taste it without commitment.
Sounds like my personal life as well.
By playfulinnc, at 3/31/2006 07:22:00 PM
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