Siryn's Song

Saturday, July 30, 2005

51 Miles

I'm exhausted, but in a good way. I went out today and rode 51 miles on my bike. That's the farthest I've ever ridden. Good God, I'm tired, but that was great! It was incredible... rode from Rosslyn to Shirlington, and then out to Herndon and back. I'm still stunned by the magnitude of it all. According to my cyclometer, I averaged a little over 13 mph. Not bad, considering that my previous averages were around 11-12 mph. I had recently tweaked the fit of my bike by raising the seat post a bit and wow, what a difference it made. Less strain on my knees, and less work to achieve the same distance. Out-frickin'-standing. I still want a new Trek... I've been lusting after one or two different models... I want to go farther, faster... but that has to wait until another day, at least until I get a new job. :p


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