Siryn's Song

Monday, August 22, 2005

Feeling Good

Today's interview in New York went well. I interviewed at first with 2 senior associates. We ran the gamut of stuff, and I had some intelligent questions for them. They liked me enough to grab the senior partner. Normally, they would make people wait for a callback. But they were sensitive to the fact that I was coming from Washington, and so they had a partner handy to meet me after-the-fact if they liked me. I guess they liked me! :) I feel good about my chances of getting an offer. Another partner also walked in while I was meeting with the senior partner. It turns out that they actually have some kind of training program in place, unlike my current firm where the only training you get is the equivalent of dodging a firing squad. They won't pay for my mandatory CLE (Continuing Legal Education), but that's okay. That they have any kind of training at all is a boon. The training is a big lure for me. I want to be a quality litigator, and while having a lot of responsibility is good, it is even better if that responsibility is coupled with some formal training. Also positive - they might open an office in White Plains. The firm is growing, and they are running out of space in the Midtown office. That might bode well for me, as I am pretty sure that I can stay with a family friend that lives in Westchester County. The firm is over 20 years old, has gone through some transformations, and is poised to grow even more. I lament the thought of leaving so soon - having to pick up and make new friends sucks BIG TIME. I'll have to find a new church, a new soccer team, new bike trails, a gym... I hate the thought of having to reorganize my life. But change is good for the soul, and the thought of working in New York is exciting - a definite growth experience. Winters are going to Suck. Really. Badly. But as I have said before: you do what you have to in order to survive. I ask God that if it is not right for me that they not make an offer, and if it is right for me, that they do make me an offer. Maybe it's a cop-out for a prayer, but I really need clarity as this is a very important decision. I wish to follow God's desire for me, but knowing what that is is the hard part! Please, Lord, do not let them make me an offer if it is not the right place for me. All that said, the partners are meeting tonight. They probably have already met by now, while I was on my way back home. I will know something by tomorrow! It's exciting, scary stuff. Pray for me, that I will go in the direction God wants me to.


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