Vengeance, Thy Name Is Katrina.
So we get to see even more of just what a heck of a job Brownie did, by screwing up with the resources offered by the Department of the Interior. Hundreds of people and resources squandered due to Brownie & Friends' bumbling. Would that Katrina would exact her revenge on the Republican Party this fall...
Ok, I come from a different point of view. My neighbor is from New Orleans, and here family came up to weather the storm. Some came early, some had to be retrieved from various state shelters for days and days. All of the neighborhood was great. At one point they told me there were thirty of them in my 1200 square foot two bedroom. They woke me up twice one night for more to come in and sleep. At one point there were over sixty of them between the two houses and a camper. I could tell some great and heart breaking stories. At that point they decided to go to a local shelter, they were sleeping wall to wall in floors.
My point, and mainly because they had their own stories of evacation, is that with all that happened, by and large it was a great success for the majority of evacuees. I wonder if history will tell the tell of the majority, or focus on the catastrophy of the ones left behind.
Hopefully this was a wake up call. And though no one has taken this position in the press, it was an impressive response in just as many ways as it was a catastrophy.
Darrell, at 1/31/2006 09:40:00 PM
Would that there were fewer poor people getting in the way of Category 5 hurricanes.
What the Hell is wrong with those people.
Jinxy, at 2/02/2006 07:34:00 PM
Congrats on your lead story on DC Blogs:
Washington Cube, at 2/03/2006 12:18:00 AM
AUA: they are assholes, but not exactly the same. Mind you, I am an independent. However, I don't like one set of assholes having all the power.
Darrell: It worked great if you had the means. Not so much if you didn't. I don't mean to shit on the relief workers, but I'm stewed at the bald-faced hand-wringing and incompetence that led to the horror show that we watched play out on television.
Jinxy: Damn those poor people for being poor and not getting out.
Cube: thank you.
Siryn, at 2/03/2006 10:15:00 AM
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