The Game Continues
So I've been talking to my favorite engineer (he's not a conductor - conductors run the doors, he just drives the train). He's a good guy, very compassionate about people. I walked onto the train the other day, and he was making friendly conversation with a handicapped lady in a wheelchair. Tonight, another little boy wanted to have the best view on the train, and he encouraged the kid to come up to the front and look out the window. He's just that way. Let's recap/cover a few things. He's 12 years older than me. Divorced. Blue collar, and also a part-time cop. He is not what you would consider to be an intellectual, but he does enjoy history and culture. He actually does have ADHD. Now, normally this combination of attributes would make me beat a hasty retreat, but this time I am going to open my mind to him a little bit. Maybe he just snuck into my heart by impressing me with his kindness that I just can't judge him yet and head for the hills. I like him too much. His caring spirit makes up for lacking a ton of stuff that I typically seek in a guy. It's true that love covers a multitude of sins. In this case, his love for people covers a multitude of what I would usually determine to be "flaws." In many ways, I am taking a step to try something new with him. I figure that even if we aren't soulmates, we can at least be great friends. We can talk, and I enjoy talking to him. I figure that I have a lot that I can learn from him. So, we have a date tomorrow! We will both be working, but when he gets off work he will come down to the city and we're going to have dinner. It's going to be great. He knows of this authentic Korean place and I'm jazzed - I haven't had real Korean food in years. I'm really looking forward to this. Tune in next time...
How great is that??
Did you read the article I found about the woman who, for a year, said yes to everyone who asked her out, and found HIM in the process? She wrote a book about it, and it seems to work.
I applaud you, my friend! Ya never know unless you try!
(Or, in my world: you don't get the role if you don't go to the audition.)
playfulinnc, at 2/04/2006 12:17:00 AM
You know, I'm giving birth to a thought here.
You and I are such similar creatures - always on the computers. Do you find any irony in the fact that when you are on the train, without a computer and without a wireless connection available, that you met someone cool? Maybe we're doing this wrong with CL. Maybe we should "get back out there."
I can't wait to hear how this turns out.
Melissa, at 2/04/2006 11:06:00 AM
Ah, that sounds interesting! And, it's always good to broaden your horizons. :)
Asian Mistress, at 2/04/2006 11:14:00 AM
Playful I love your new avatar. Trés chic! :)
I am glad I am auditioning. :)
Velvet: it is highly ironic that after all the time of trying out these online things that I met someone cool and friendly in real life. Although I really have stopped using CL for looking for anything real, I will occasionally look if I want to break my boredom and randomly meet new people.
AM: indeed.
Siryn, at 2/04/2006 03:11:00 PM
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