Meredith Grey: The New Ally McBeal?
I used to love Ally McBeal, until it got to the point where I preferred watching the people around her, instead of her. And then not long afterward, I couldn't stand many of them too. For a while, some of the things Ally was going through was really resonating with me. It felt like she had some shadow of my life. But then she fell off the edge and swam right into abject lunacy. Way too neurotic, indecisive and immature for my tastes. Too bad, Ally - fare thee well. Although when the show ended, I was feeling sorrier for New York, where she was headed. And now there is Meredith Grey, of Grey's Anatomy. She's similarly quirky, but nowhere near as neurotic. Just lonely and constantly searching, much like Ally McBeal. You know, this seems to be the endearing trait among the best of the leading lady characters lately. Ally, Meredith, Carrie from Sex and the City. They aren't total downers, but you can feel them searching for something greater and it just resonates within us. It connects, and we are able to celebrate with their highs and mourn the lows. They aren't just characters any more, they are shades of us. That said, I hope Meredith is able to stay on the wagon. I like her, although she could use a few pounds. Her bones look sharp! hee.
Ohhh good post!
Ya know, I read that the actress who plays her has some "problem" that she has to eat like 10 times a day to "maintain" her weight. She just can't gain.
Yeah, give me that problem. Haha.
Asian Mistress, at 2/19/2006 09:58:00 PM
I read that article too...Yeah, my heart bleeeeds for the woman that has to eat a whole cheesecake everyday. Uggh.
I went to a black tie affair last night, and encountered a woman in the ladies room who proceeded to lecture me for 10 minutes about her 15% bodyfat, and how it is just so wierd given that her boobs are so big.
What I would have given for one of Ally McBeal`s surreal fantasy scenes...something like a hole opening up in the earth and sucking this ridiculous woman down into the bowels of the earth....
Hope you enjoyed your weekend in spite of yourself, Siryn. :)
Jennifer Simon, Esq., at 2/19/2006 11:33:00 PM
Siryn! I almost wrote this post (or at least something similar) today!!
Especially now that the cute but quirky coworker doctor is trying to confess his love for her. Remember the studdering lawyer friend that tried to make a go for Ally?
Anyway...get outta my head! That's just creepy!
playfulinnc, at 2/20/2006 06:08:00 PM
You know, I really don't want that problem. Can you imagine how much money she'd have to spend to keep her weight up? Most of us just need to increase the amount of calories burned. Others need medication to get the glands in control.
Of course, preening bitches wondering about their 15% body fat when 7% of it is in their boobs should be swallowed up by some neurosis-created hole.
And playful, it's just a Scorpio thing. You wouldn't understand. hee. :)
Siryn, at 2/20/2006 09:21:00 PM
Man! I am HOURS away from being a Scorp. My love is a Scorp...doesn't that get me any play?
playfulinnc, at 2/21/2006 03:56:00 PM
I'm way behind here, but great post. I run so hot-cold on Meredith. Ally drove me nuts, and I love Carrie, so Meredith falls somewhere in between. I like her storyline with her mother best, and I understand that her moodiness this year is part of a longer-term depression over the McDreamy situation. But I got so mad at her with George, and then when she met with McDreamy and the dog at the end. I think maybe because I do relate to her, and I'm so mad that she's making bad decisions.
However, I love Bailey, Cristina, Burke, Izzy, Alex, and darling George. Even Addison is growing on me.
Stef, at 3/02/2006 03:12:00 PM
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