Live Wire
In pondering the age old question, I think I understand a little bit of why men and women can't be friends (that is, so long as they are not attracted to each other, happily paired up with others, or one of them is dead). Palpable connections are often too electric to control. I mean, I think about the engineer and I still want him. As my bloggy buddy Velvet says, "I want to do very very very bad things to this man." (hey, I'm human! I just exert self-control.) I'm sure the feeling is mutual. There is something there, so thick in the air that you could almost touch it. It's electric - a live wire. It's dazzling, hot, burning bright - sizzling, leaping, alive! Oh, to feel truly alive. And in this context, it's so easy to get burned. That's why we are doing the mature adult thing and stopping before we get in too deep - we don't want to get burned, or burn the other. But oh, how delicious just a little burn would be? But that's temptation, isn't it? It's subtle and sweet and whispers to you...calls your name, offering dulcet delights that it's okay to do just a little bit, right? But like a venus flytrap, it swallows you whole or eats at you until you surrender the very thing you wished to preserve. So, to not get burned, we stay away - because if we came together, we wouldn't be able to resist the sparkly, electric thing and we'd burn - and burn out, which is never fun. So we choose the slightly less evil alternative and squelch our emotions, play the avoidance game. As my mom and grandma used to say... "have-it have-it no want-it, want-it want-it can't get it." You just have to do your best to imagine a Jamaican patois to say that. If you don't understand it... well, think about it a little more.
Questioning your decision my dear? Why not try one more time? Maybe he'll do something that will so completely turn you off that you'll wean yourself off of him. Then it will be easier to say that you weren't meant to be.
Melissa, at 2/10/2006 10:47:00 AM
I have a very close friend who I first dated- then we made the amazing transformation into friendship-- and not just a 'hey how are you doing once every 6 months friendship'. We talk all the time and hang out. That said, however, we still flirt a lot. I've lost weight since he's seen me recently, for example, and he told me it makes my tits look huge. It's dangerous, I know. I still want to do very very bad things to him, but he's had sex with more women than Wilt Chamberlain. We just have this palpable connection and chemistry though-- and I've always secretly wondered if he felt it too. He's so cool though, that I probably could ask him and he'd be honest- and we'd still be fine.
Anonymous, at 2/10/2006 11:25:00 AM
No, dear Velvet, I was merely ruminating over why men and women can't just be friends. Although it strayed into the context of "we tried but it's not going to work."
E.Frosh: I could handle that. I mean, a little flirting never hurts anyone, right? Makes ya feel good.
Siryn, at 2/11/2006 09:51:00 AM
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