Bitch, Please.
So my stupid ass decided to try eHarmony again a couple of weeks ago... but forgot to cancel in time. d'oh!! Anyway, so this match came into my box not too long after, and he just sits there. At first, he had no photos. Later on, he added photos. I wasn't impressed. I still let it sit there anyway - if he's interested, and feels like he's done with his profile, he'll say something, right? Well, I got tired of looking at him in my inbox so I closed the match. Obviously I wasn't compelling enough for him to write, and if you couldn't tell by now, vice versa. So I close it with the excuse of "I don't think the chemistry is there." So I get this message back today: "I think if we met, you might have different feelings about who I am." Hold up - what?! You don't make a move to open your mouth, and I'm supposed to fall over you or something? Is that it? If you thought the chemistry was there, why didn't you make a move? I wasn't impressed but I could have been if you had opened your mouth (or keyboard, rather) and said something, but you didn't. If I absolutely can't resist a guy, I'll make a move. Obviously, he resisted. So, dude, I'll pass. Hasta.
I think that would've been an excellent reply:
"If you thought the chemistry was there, why didn't you make a move? I wasn't impressed but I could have been if you had opened your mouth (or keyboard, rather) and said something, but you didn't."
If it were me, I'd probably throw in a "pssht!"
A Unique Alias, at 2/07/2006 10:13:00 AM
Those automated responses are so tired anyway.
Asian Mistress, at 2/07/2006 11:49:00 AM his s&*( don't stink.
I like this new, take charge, stand strong on those heels Siryn!
playfulinnc, at 2/07/2006 02:22:00 PM
Wait, I thought once you closed a match, they were gone forever. I have never done e-harmony (shockers, I know) but my friend did it and she said she can toss someone out and they can't ever write to her. Course that was years ago. So what gives?
Melissa, at 2/07/2006 09:39:00 PM
It used to be that way, Velvet, but now they get a chance to put out a parting comment - give you the opportunity to re-open the match.
Dingleberry hasn't figured out that smarmy doesn't cut it.
Siryn, at 2/08/2006 12:56:00 AM
Oh, it's a canned comment... but whatever.
Siryn, at 2/08/2006 12:59:00 AM
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