Love Is Sweat.
No, I didn't spend my Valentine's Day getting getting cream of Sum Yung Gai. Once I went home, I went to the gym and worked up a sweat on the elliptical. This thought came to me as I was heading home from work today: love is best shown with a little sweat. Of course, if it's the kind earned through romantic endeavors, it's tremendously sweet and intoxicating. But if you're flying solo, why not show your body that you love it by making it stronger, healthier and more beautiful? But let's expand on this thought a little bit. Love really is more about actions and choices - working for it. Love isn't easy, because life isn't easy, and love requires you to ride out the rough parts instead of getting going when things get tough. Real love is hard work, and hard work implies a little sweat. Friendship is a form of love, and friendships take work too. All relationships where you often care about someone else's well-being more than your own take work. Guy or gal not that into you? Not working to make the connection stronger? Not sweating you in a good way? You need to do a serious inventory about what that relationship is about. I won't say toss 'em to the side right away, but some soul searching should be in order. I've found that it's worse to be lonely in a relationship than lonely outside one - that person becomes a focal point for anger or negativity and twists your personality in ways you couldn't twist if they weren't there. Who needs a mindfuck? Reciprocity is a sign of a mature relationship. Giving and taking is what it's all about. If someone is doing most of the taking or giving for selfish reasons, a gut check is in order. Jesus distilled all the Commandments down to one thing: Love thy neighbor. And sometimes, that takes some work. Resist lusting after your neighbor's spouse, or their material things. Resist envy. Resist killing the idiot who disrespected you. Resist the basest parts of your human nature. That's never easy. It takes work to be bigger than you are. Work it. Happy Valentine's Day. Thank God it's just about over.
Amen. A little elbow grease never hurt anybody.
Glad you had a good day!!
Sharkbait, at 2/15/2006 11:13:00 AM
Great post!
Phil, at 2/15/2006 02:47:00 PM
Good call. Inspiring me to head home and get to the gym myself.
Thanks for all the comments last night Siryn-- well appreciated. And wouldn`t you know it? I got a call from a recruiter today. It`s too soon to make the leap, but it`s nice to know I`m wanted.
Jennifer Simon, Esq., at 2/15/2006 05:28:00 PM
Thanks, guys.
I loved myself for about 2 hours today.
Siryn, at 2/16/2006 12:59:00 AM
Vespertine - I'm glad that came through for you. This first year is pretty nerve-wracking, having to prove youself. It's nice to have some positive reassurance from the outside. It's also good to keep your ear to the ground, salarywise, to see what you're worth.
Siryn, at 2/16/2006 01:00:00 AM
Oh, and... I'm disappointed that no one picked up on the cream of Sum Yung Gai reference!!
Siryn, at 2/16/2006 01:01:00 AM
Oh no, sister. I picked up on the sum yung gai reference. But as a LADY, I decided I wouldn`t deign to acknowledge the gutter humor.
Hee hee. Even I can`t take myself seriously when I write stuff like that... ;)
Jennifer Simon, Esq., at 2/16/2006 01:27:00 PM
Oh, lord, I haven't thought of "the cream of Sum Yung Gai" in ages! That made the post for me-- sorry, I think I missed out on all the deep thoughts for laughing... :)
mysterygirl!, at 2/16/2006 07:24:00 PM
Whew, I'm glad someone else picked up on it. :) I didn't want it to be obvious, so I changed the spelling. hehe.
Siryn, at 2/16/2006 11:45:00 PM
2200 hours?? Woman, you can keep that noise. NO THANKS!! My firm is great actually-- I piss and moan, but I know I have it good. The money is commensurate with other Philly firms, and the hours are completely reasonable....
My coworker is just a basket-case. Unreasonable basket case.
Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to run through the pain of last week`s catastrophe, and go on a date. :)
Have a good one Siryn!
Jennifer Simon, Esq., at 2/17/2006 06:41:00 PM
Great post. I'm really glad that I have some great, quality friends in my life who all realize that friendships require work, too, and we all make time for each other. That's what leads to years of fun together. I keep thinking the same thing will happen with a man someday, but for now my urban family rocks. :-)
Stef, at 2/18/2006 10:54:00 PM
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