Siryn's Song

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Transition: 54 more to go.

54 more posts to skim and categorize. God, it's good, but man... it's so tiring. I just needed to stop. I started tinkering with ideas for the template, but I may just throw it up once the categories are done and just mess with the template later. It's funny to look at the categories... I am not even sure I'm categorizing everything in a consistent fashion. Maybe that's because I'm trying to do them all in such a short period of time. If in going through things you see something that should probably be in a different category, please let me know.


  • Interesting. I don't know that I would go through the trouble, but I am impressed by your fervor.

    Looking forward to meeting you (July-ish?)!

    By Blogger playfulinnc, at 5/07/2006 03:26:00 PM  

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