Who Would Have Imagined...
...that this could be so difficult? Cute and seemingly nice guys? Disappear into ether. Trying to meet up? Difficult as hell. I don't recommend a Starbucks, as they are quite possibly THE most generic place on earth to try to meet, especially in NYC. The Friday meetup was a big FUBAR. Will have to try again. Talked on the phone with this one guy today who seemed nice, worked on trying to meet up tomorrow but this guy doesn't know shit about decent places to meet despite living in the area all his life, then waits until I've searched for brunch places for 20 minutes before telling me he doesn't want to do brunch because, basically, if he doesn't like me, he will want to bail. Geez. He said he'd call in the morning to try and set the meeting place up, but I emailed him a few hours later and cancelled. I lied about why, but I'm not ready to deal with that BS when I could be out shopping with my roommate. She wants to go shopping and I don't deal well with indecision from men. Maybe later this week, when we are both in the city... easier to have just one drink and bolt. Actually, that sounds like it might be a great idea... bolting on him. hee. Too many guys I am just not attracted to, but am giving a shot...ah, the search for the right mix of tolerable looks and decent guy to hang out with...
tolerable looks...you aren't kidding
Melissa, at 2/26/2006 10:21:00 AM
woah. is it NYC that makes them act like that? All of this "no time if you're not perfect" crap would get really old.
Maybe you should confine your search to a geographic area like only brooklyn and queens-no NJ, etc.
playfulinnc, at 2/26/2006 11:23:00 AM
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