Day 10
So here's the lowdown: I got around 50 responses. Low, but consider this: I posted "no sex" and that I was mixed, so people looking for SWFs wouldn't waste my time, although I'm sure some still did. I also answered an ad or two looking for Christian women. I'm at the phone stage with a handful, that I'm going to call on my long road trip to keep me company. Some I know I'm going to reject. I've met 3. 1 married, so he doesn't fully count toward what I was looking for. 1 very nice, but no cigar...yet. Another - eh, today's quick lunch wasn't much of anything and I'm not terribly impressed. He's nice though. Just no instant lightning. Most of the 50 have been rejected/ignored because they bored me, they cut and paste, they scared me, way too old, way too married, or they couldn't fucking read (like our friend Jean Claude Paul). Some of the 50 rejected me after the picture was given. It happens. I ain't ugly, so that isn't it. Diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks. The two favorites disappeared into the ether after maybe 2 days of conversation or less. Too bad. 1 guy is super-smart, doctoral candidate at one of the city's best schools. I'm not big on his looks but he seems very nice and gregarious, and I could maybe get over it. 1 guy, a little shorter than I'd like, works in finance. Haven't seen his pic yet. Speaks fluent spanish, and is working with me to scrape the rust off my spanish when I write to him. Ay caramba. 1 guy, a good bit older, a filmmaker. 1 I already met, an attorney. 1 I already met, a consultant. 1 I already met, in finance. 1 Asian, 1 half-Asian, a couple blacks including a French man of Cameroonian descent, a lot of whites (especially Italians), some hispanic/latino, a few that look South Asian, 1-2 Mediterranean (Turkish/Lebanese). It's a nice range of men on paper. It's too many to track but I think that most of them were significantly older. There are a few that are close to my age, but I got the most responses, I think, from guys 37+. Maybe they just stand out in my head a little more. I didn't put their stats into a grid so I have no real way to tell you. The number of people I intend to call is still fairly high, but this is the consequence of trying to be more open. It's almost not fair to the guys, because between work and them, that's a lot of shit that has to be sorted out in my brain and I want each guy to feel like an individual, not part of a cattle call. They deserve it (except obvious cut-and-pasters). I don't want to be dumb and forget something essential, like his job, because I'm juggling the details of 5 others in my head. Oh well. This is not a total bust yet, and something surprising may come of it. Who knows? This is why I'm game to find out.
If you're already not big on looks, chances are you can't get over it - even if you try. Someone has to have at leats one good looking quality to increase or decrease their attractiveness...but if it's an "eh" from the beginning, it won't work.
Asian Mistress, at 3/04/2006 04:29:00 PM
Hmm... I wonder if I should try a "i'm new in town" post on the craigslist here and report back the results.... i've always been too weary of CL to do anything like that.
Dan, at 3/04/2006 05:37:00 PM
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