Interactive Epilogue, Part Deux
This carousel just won't stop.
You sure sound like a tough woman and that's my kind of girl. i still think you are being unrealistic but since you don't want to discuss it, i won't. Other than the sex portion of my email, don't you have any questions for me or something? Why don't we do it your way; let's be friends and then we will see where it goes from there. How about that? JeanNow I really will just ignore it and won't respond.
Ok. Now i feel conflicted.
Let's say that some people do not know how to talk about race because they are very very white.
Let's say that in their world, sex happens on the 3rd or 4th date.
Let's say they are not used to dating people who operate on a more "godly" playing field.
He may be that guy. I just might have one drink with him. It may just prove to be an interesting night. Strangely, from the tone of this email, I feel that he has no idea he did anything wrong.
playfulinnc, at 3/02/2006 04:41:00 PM
what's the conflict?
from the first email you saw red flags and he is seriously condesending in his follow up emails...
this is what gets me about the whole internet dating thang...
people create drama involving people they don't even known or would want to know in real life... if a guy came up to you in a bar and said these things to you, you'd probablly walk away from him, right? and in that situation you could, if you chalk it up to he was drinking, talking without thinking, etc... but here you have a guy who sent an email... he had time to think about what he was saying and reread it before sending it to you.
You could meet him to "educate on about operating on a more "godly" field, but maybe he likes his playing field. We all perfer the home field advantage and very little will change that.
ACG, at 3/02/2006 05:02:00 PM
What is wrong with people is my first thought.
You are quite right to end contact with him. The first time was for curiosity. This time it would be pointless.
He sounds kinda dumb, really.
Jamy, at 3/02/2006 05:27:00 PM
I also get the sense that he doesn't know that he did anything wrong.
It doesn't change the price of cheese, however, because he's going to be the kind of guy that, if he got in and things developed, he will put pressure you to have sex if you don't want to because of how he believes relationships should operate.
Or if you really do try to keep it just friends, if he likes you and wants more, he will persist at making it more than that.
I just don't need that drama.
Siryn, at 3/02/2006 05:59:00 PM
it is your opinion on how his relationships operate is wrong... just as it is his opinion the way you operate is wrong.
you two are not going to re-educate each other... you are both adults who have chosen a way to live your lives... each of you need to seek out another who shares your beliefs and morals already.. not try to change an adult who already has a different set of standards.
ACG, at 3/02/2006 06:41:00 PM
I don't need to be told that, thanks. I already know.
Siryn, at 3/02/2006 06:55:00 PM
you're welcome, but if you already knew, what was the point of the posts and the conflicted feeling about this guy?
ACG, at 3/02/2006 07:17:00 PM
I don't feel conflicted at all. Don't confuse what I have said with others' comments.
I don't think he knows he offended me with the clumsy racial thing. But honestly, I don't really care if he knows. I don't want anything else to do with him, to save myself the drama.
The point of the posts is, like many others, for entertainment.
As for anything else... there is an archive in the right hand column.
Siryn, at 3/02/2006 07:40:00 PM
Heya, my friend Siryn...there are some pretty harsh blog commenters out there (have ya seen Velvet lately??) but I didn't mean to bring some negative juju on ya from my comment.
I hope you know that I was just playing friendly devil's advocate, and if your other readers think there's something wrong with me, they can take it up with me.
:) Cheers~
playfulinnc, at 3/02/2006 08:55:00 PM
my bad... I read your post and the 1st comment start thru... I thought it was a continuation of your thought.
ACG, at 3/02/2006 09:24:00 PM
I'm sorry, but that exchange is classic. You should condense it into a single post and put a permanent link to that on the side of your blog.
He reads like Chet, the high school's All-State Quarterback, in that one after-school special about that time Jenny had two beers and then lost her virginity.
Why don't we do it your way; let's be friends and then we will see where it goes from there. .oO(I'm sure if I can get a few beers in her, I'll be able to work my way into her trousers!)
A Unique Alias, at 3/02/2006 10:21:00 PM
I second AUA
Asian Mistress, at 3/02/2006 10:47:00 PM
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