My desktop computer is unstable again. I think it's my hard drive. But my desktop is on the fritz again, giving me massive blue screens of death. I've toyed with the RAM. A friend suggested that it might be the hard drive. I refused to believe, until I finally noticed that sometimes the damn thing wouldn't access the hard drive. It just wasn't thinking. I hope that that's all... because I'm going to go ape shit if I buy a new hard drive and that isn't the problem! That makes 2 hard drives I have to buy... 1 for my laptop and the other for the desktop. Massive le sigh.
Hey Sarah Jayne,
Heat is NOT the problem. For real. Checked the temp during one of many reboots and it was fine.... but hm... you could be on to something.
By Siryn, at 4/11/2006 12:15:00 AM
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